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County of Santa Clara and Registered Nurses Professional Association Announce Agreement on Successor Contract

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, Calif. – The County of Santa Clara and the union representing nurses at the County’s hospitals and clinics are pleased to announce they have reached agreement on a four-year successor contract. Over 88% of the Registered Nurses Professional Association (RNPA) members voted to ratify the tentative agreement, which now will go before the Board of Supervisors on June 4, 2024 for final approval.

The two sides have been negotiating for many months to reach a fair and sustainable contract. The agreement reflects the shared commitment to the dedicated nurses who work in the County’s Health System, which continues providing world class care amidst the increasing demands of being the safety-net hospital system for all residents.  

Statement from County Executive James R. Williams:

“Our employees are skilled public servants who take care of the most vulnerable in our community. This agreement with RNPA represents our dedication to providing fair contracts for every staff member in our organization, including our nursing professionals. We are proud to have reached this agreement, which upholds the County’s commitment to our hardworking nurses and to deliver excellent care to the community while balancing fiscal realities. We look forward to working together with RNPA and our nurses to continue providing critical services for our entire community and to meet the challenges faced by those most in need.”

Statement from RNPA President Susie York:

“Our new contract is a big step forward for Santa Clara County nurses and the patients we serve. We were able to win improvements to our pay and working conditions that will help the County recruit and retain top quality nurses. We also addressed the way nurses are staffed and scheduled in order to ensure that acuity remains a factor in the nurse-to-patient ratio. Those discussions will be ongoing. We set the groundwork for better workplace safety practices. RNPA is grateful to all of our members who remained united throughout our negotiations, along with our community of patients and supporters who stood with us in solidarity. We look forward to collaborating with the County and continuing to be a voice for nurses and our patients.”

Media Contact: Quan Vu, County of Santa Clara, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, (408) 299-5119, [email protected]; Jacob Hay, 310-855-2640, [email protected]

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