Immigrant services
The following services are available to all members of our community, regardless of ability to pay or immigration status.
Health and Medical Services:
Community Health Center Services
In San Jose are provided to patients with or without insurance, independent of their immigration status, and all information is safeguarded. To learn more:
- Download the list of Community Health Center services.
The County of Santa Clara Health System
Provides comprehensive care, services and programs, and includes: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), O'Connor Hospital (OCH), St. Louise Regional Hospital (SLRH), primary care and specialty clinics, and Behavioral Health Services. For more information on health and medical services or to find a hospital or health clinic location, visit these websites:
- Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
- O'Connor Hospital
- St. Louise Regional Hospital
- County of Santa Clara Health System
- Behavioral Health Services
Financial Assistance:
The California Employment Development Department (en español)
provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by the Coronavirus in California:
Undocumented workers can apply for State Disability Insurance (SDI) or Paid Family Leave
- If a medical professional says you are unable to work due to the virus or another medical condition, you may be eligible for State Disability Insurance. You do not need work authorization to apply for State Disability Insurance. Undocumented workers may apply.
- If a close family member is ill, you may be able to receive benefits to take care of them through Paid Family Leave. You do not need work authorization for Paid Family Leave benefits.
- Apply at (SDI Online)
Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Program (DRAI)
Santa Clara County residents can apply for the DRAI program, funded by the State of California, that provides one-time disaster relief assistance adult undocumented immigrant adults over the age of 18 who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply through Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County. For more information.
- Monday - Saturday 8 am - 8 pm
Call (866) 490-3899
Visit the Catholic Charities website
Asistencia para Inmigrantes Afectados por la Pandemia de COVID-19 (DRAI)
Los residentes del condado de Santa Clara pueden aplicar con Caridades Católicas del Condado de Santa Clara para recibir asistencia financiera. El Estado de California proporcionará asistencia de ayuda por desastre por única vez a adultos inmigrantes indocumentados mayores de 18 años que hayan sido afectados por la pandemia COVID-19.
- Lunes - Sabado, 8 am - 8 pm
Llame al (866) 490-3899
Para obtener más información, visite Catholic Charities
Legal Assistance:
Tenants: Bay Area Legal Aid
Provides resources and news for tenants during COVID-19, including: first steps to protect yourself if you are having trouble paying rent during COVID-19; guidance on how to protect yourself if you can't pay rent during COVID-19; and legal resources for tenants. Visit the Bay Area Legal Aid website to learn more.
Immigration and/or Public Benefits:
Free and low-cost legal advice is available through the following organizations:
- Bay Area Legal Aid: Call (408) 850-7066, assistance available in English, Spanish
- Asian Law Alliance: Call (408) 287-9710, assistance available English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Tagalog, Korean, Spanish
- Law Foundation: Call (408) 280-2420, assistance available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Spanish, and more languages. Law Foundation does not specialize in immigration law, but can answer questions about using Public Benefit programs.
Resource Guides:
California's new Immigrant Resource Guide
Provides information on resources available to immigrant families, such as for COVID-19 testing under Medi-Cal and small business support; some resources are available regardless of immigration status. To learn more:
- Visit
Immigrant Eligibility for Public Programs During COVID-19 Resource Guide
Prepared by Protecting Immigrant Families, provides a general overview of immigrant eligibility for some of the federal public programs available to support individuals and families during the COVID-19 crisis under existing law, including healthcare, food assistance, cash assistance, and unemployment insurance. Note: Treatment and testing for COVID-19 will not have immigration consequences as part of a public charge assessment. The federal government has also promised that immigrants can enroll temporarily in Medicaid (Medi-Cal) solely to seek testing and treatment for COVID-19 without fearing immigration consequences due to public charge.
Housing Assistance:
The Homelessness Prevention System (HPS)
Provides temporary financial assistance (e.g. rent, deposit, or utility payment) to low-income families or individuals who are struggling to maintain their housing. All agencies provide assistance to eligible applicants regardless of immigration status. To contact any of the HPS participating agencies:
- call (408) 926-8885
- email [email protected].
Internet Essentials from Comcast: Staying Connected During Coronavirus:
Comcast is offering low-income families free Internet at home during the COVID-19 crisis. New customers will receive two free months of Internet service if they apply by May 13, 2020. Households with outstanding debt owed to Comcast may be eligible for Internet Essentials. Comcast is waiving this qualification if customers apply and are approved by May 13. Immigrant families are eligible to apply.
The Homelessness Prevention System (HPS)
Provides temporary financial assistance (e.g. rent, deposit, or utility payment) to low-income families or individuals who are struggling to maintain their housing. All agencies provide assistance to eligible applicants regardless of immigration status. To contact any of the HPS participating agencies:
- Call (408) 926-8885
- Email [email protected].