Board of Supervisors to Adopt Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 at Hearings Starting June 12
SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. – At budget hearing sessions beginning June 12, the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors will review and discuss County Executive Jeffrey V. Smith’s Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24, which is available for review in the County’s Open Data Portal.
The recommended budget continues to focus on Board priorities that include expanding access to behavioral health services; increasing housing access; supporting criminal justice reform; enhancing support for children and families; and promoting sustainability.
The $10.6 billion recommended budget addresses a $120 million deficit with minimal impact to the current level of services; however, the County will continue to face a structural imbalance.
“Our proposed spending plan is balanced, but a structural imbalance remains due to the anticipated costs of services outpacing the revenue projections for the coming months,” said Dr. Smith. “Factors including an unstable economy, the State deficit, and the residual effects of the pandemic will require the administration to go back to the Board to make budget adjustments and further reductions over the next 12 months.”
The sessions will be livestreamed through the Board of Supervisor’s website and on the Board meetings YouTube channel. Public comment instructions and meeting details are available on the Board’s website.
The sessions are an opportunity for the public to engage and comment on the planned allocation of resources before the Board of Supervisors approves a final budget on June 15. Sessions are scheduled for June 12, 13, and 15, as follows:
Monday, June 12, 2023 – 1:30 p.m.
- Budget Overview
- Finance and Government Operations: Special Programs and Reserves, Appropriations and Contingencies, Board of Supervisors, Clerk of the Board, County Executive’s Office (including Supportive Housing, LAFCO, Risk Management), Assessor, Procurement, County Counsel, Registrar of Voters, Technology Services and Solutions, County 9-1-1 Communications, Facilities and Fleet Department (including Capital Budget), County Library, Employee Services Agency, and the Finance Agency (Controller-Treasurer Department, County Debt Service, County Clerk-Recorder’s Office, and Department of Tax and Collections)
- Health and Hospital: Santa Clara Valley Healthcare, Public Health, Custody Health Services, Behavioral Health Services, Emergency Medical Services, and Valley Health Plan
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 – 1:30 p.m. (with an evening session at 6:30 p.m., if necessary)
- Public Safety and Justice: Office of the District Attorney, Office of the Public Defender, Office of Pretrial Services, criminal justice system-wide costs, Office of the Sheriff, Department of Correction, Probation Department, and Medical Examiner-Coroner
- Children, Seniors and Families: Department of Child Support Services, In-Home Supportive Services, and Social Services Agency
- Housing, Land Use, Environment and Transportation: Department of Planning and Development, Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency, Roads and Airports Department including County Sanitation District 2-3, Department of Parks and Recreation, Santa Clara County Fire Protection District, Los Altos Hills County Fire District, and South Santa Clara County Fire District
Thursday, June 15, 2023 – 1:30 p.m.
Summary and Wrap-Up
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The County of Santa Clara government serves a diverse, multicultural population of 1.9 million residents in Santa Clara County, Calif., making it more populous than 14 states in the United States. The County provides essential services to its residents, including public health protection, environmental stewardship, medical services through the County of Santa Clara Health System, child and adult protection services, homelessness prevention and solutions, roads, park services, libraries, emergency response to disasters, protection of minority communities and those under threat, access to a fair criminal justice system, and many other public benefits.
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