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Statement from the County Of Santa Clara: Mariscos San Juan #3 Reopens after Re-inspection

Mariscos San Juan #3 Reopens after Re-inspection

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF -- The Department of Environmental Health performed a re-inspection of Mariscos San Juan #3 and approved the restaurant to reopen. The Public Health Department has determined that the restaurant no longer presents a risk to the public’s health from Shigella bacteria.

The facility voluntarily discarded all food products, cleaned and sanitized the facility, and retrained its employees on proper food handling methods. All employees who tested negative for Shigella have been allowed to return to work.

The restaurant was reopened at about 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, November 05, 2015.  The inspection report will be available in 3-5 days on the Department of Environmental Health website and mobile app – SCCDineOut (now available on Apple devices).


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Media Contact:      

Gwendolyn Mitchell Anne Chang, Office of Public Affairs  (408) 299-5119


Posted: Nov.6, 2015