Safety Net
County Executive James R. Williams Issues Statement on Freeze of Federal Funding
The County Executive said County services remain fully open while the County works urgently to assess the Trump administration’s unconstitutional freeze of federal funding.
County of Santa Clara Proactively Prepares for Trump Threats Against Immigrants, Other Communities
The Board of Supervisors took protective measures in anticipation of President-elect Donald Trump’s stated plans when he takes office in January, including setting aside $5 million in funds to help defend immigrants and doing a pre-inaugural deep dive into how the County can best prepare for the incoming administration and its threats to vulnerable communities.
Community Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Upholding Shared Values and Serving All Residents
Leaders from the County of Santa Clara, City of San José, and other local cities and community-based organizations issued a statement in response to the election of Donald J. Trump.
County Provides a Bridge to Benefits for Veterans
The County of Santa Clara Veterans Service Office (VSO) works year-round in service to veterans, their dependents and their survivors to provide services and help them access federal, state and local benefits.
County of Santa Clara Office of Veterans Services Hosts Veterans Stand Down
The Office of Veterans Services will host a Stand Down Oct. 2-4 to offer free services, supplies, medical care, dental screenings, and more for qualified veterans.
County Appoints New Deputy Director of Social Services Agency
Duffy has served as the County’s chief children’s officer for the last two years. She has more than a decade’s experience of improving the lives of children and families and making the programs that serve them more effective and responsive.
Affordable Housing Development in Santa Clara Offers Dignity and Security for Seniors
On May 8, the County joined partners in celebrating the grand opening of Kifer Senior Apartments, an affordable housing complex for seniors in the city of Santa Clara. The $57 million development features 80 units, consisting of 79 affordable senior housing units and one manager’s unit.
County and Partners Hold Grand Opening for 130-Unit Affordable Housing Development in San José
The transit-oriented development near Diridon Station is the latest project to be completed with funding from the $950 million Measure A Affordable Housing Bond, approved by voters in 2016
Innovative County Program Provides Residents with Free Prescription Medications
Better Health Pharmacy collects donations of surplus medications and distributes them free of charge to underserved residents. Since opening in 2015, Better Health Pharmacy has helped nearly 15,000 people and and saved residents $11 million in out-of-pocket expenses.
Breaking the Cycle: The County of Santa Clara Provides Services to Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
People reentering a life after incarceration often struggle with unemployment, homelessness, food insecurity, and, in some cases, support for sober living. To address these challenges and to break the cycle of incarceration, the Office of Diversion and Reentry Services (ODRS) offers essential services to help people successfully transition back into the community after being released from jail or prison.