Children and Families

County Appoints New Deputy Director of Social Services Agency

June 20, 2024

Duffy has served as the County’s chief children’s officer for the last two years. She has more than a decade’s experience of improving the lives of children and families and making the programs that serve them more effective and responsive.

Youth Voices of Change

March 11, 2024

The Santa Clara County Youth Task Force is a representative body of 16 eighth—through 12th-grade students. Its mission is to provide an opportunity for youth to have a formal role and voice in the local decision-making and policies of government agencies, such as the Board of Supervisors and community organizations, on matters related to youth.

County of Santa Clara Resource Families Provide Lifeline to Those in Need

September 25, 2023

In effort to assist youth in need, the County of Santa Clara's Department of Family and Children's Services implemented a state program, the Resource Family Approval Program, to provide a much-needed home for those individuals. The program also allows for emergency placements with relatives and unrelated extended family members.