Food & Nutrition
Vietnamese American Service Center Provides Resources and Enrichment to the Community
The Vietnamese American Services Center (VASC) is a state-of-the-art facility that serves as a hub for the Vietnamese-American community and other residents where the County of the Santa Clara provides a range of services in a culturally relevant and accessible fashion.
Senior Nutrition Program Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Operated by the County of Santa Clara in collaboration with a host of community partners, the Senior Nutrition Program provides meals and social connections to older adults throughout the county.
Senior Nutrition Program Helps County Residents
The County has provided older adults with nutritious meals and activities at Senior Nutrition Program sites since 1973. The program started with 12 congregate meal sites, serving a total of 800 meals per day. Today, there are 37 meal site locations across Santa Clara County that serve more than 1.8 million meals a year.
State Pilot Project Makes Fruits and Vegetables More Affordable for Low-Income County Residents
Santa Clara County is one of nearly a dozen California counties taking part in the project, which provides financial incentives to CalFresh Food recipients to purchase healthy food.
Nursery Crops and Mushrooms Remain the Champs of Santa Clara County Agriculture
The County of Santa Clara 2022 Crop Report shows the value of the county’s agricultural products rose last year to $359 million, more than a third of which came from nursery crops and mushrooms
Single Father Shares His CalFresh Success Story
For the first time in nearly 50 years, recipients of a federal nutrition program saw a noticeable jump in benefits. The increase in October 2021 helped families across the country put food on their table, just as pandemic-related benefits started to wind down for many struggling during the COVID-19 health crisis.
County Office of Veterans Services to Host First Veterans Stand Down
The County of Santa Clara Office of Veterans Services will host its first Santa Clara County Stand Down to offer free services, supplies, medical care and more to all qualified veterans. The two-day event will take place on July 8-9 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San José.
New County Ordinance Allows Food Entrepreneurs to Legally Operate Out of Their Own Homes
Under a new County ordinance, food industry entrepreneurs can apply for a permit that allows them to legally prepare, cook and sell food out of a private home kitchen.
Santa Clara County Businesses Donate Nearly 5 Million Pounds of Surplus Food to People in Need Under New State Law
Santa Clara County Businesses Donate Nearly 5 Million Pounds of Surplus Food to People in Need Under New State Law
Checklist: Veggies, dairy, grains and … democracy?
There’s always a queue at the popular Second Harvest food distribution events, where clients pluck farmer’s market fare and dry goods from tables laden with the bounty: Leafy greens, loaves of bread, milk, eggs, rice, bananas, spaghetti sauce, pasta and so much more.