County of Santa Clara Sues to Block Trump Effort to End Birthright Citizenship

The County of Santa Clara filed a lawsuit to block President Trump’s unconstitutional executive order that attempts to end birthright citizenship.  The County’s lawsuit, which it filed in federal court in San José on Thursday, details the profound impacts that Trump’s order would have on the County and its ability to serve vulnerable residents.
Ink baby footprints on an official document that reads "Congratulations!"

For the Dogs … and Cats, and Horses, and Ducks and more

You may have heard of Cesar Millán, television’s famous “Dog Whisperer.” Well, the County of Santa Clara has someone who might not be as well-known, but he’s certainly a dog’s best friend, the cat’s meow, and an all-around critter and creature comforter: Lorance Gómez, the operations manager of the County animal shelter.
Animal services operations manager Lorance Gomez kneels and holds a trio of chihuahuas.

聖塔克拉拉縣與 HCA Healthcare 達成收購協議 縣府將收購該機構之區域醫療中心 (RMC)

聖塔克拉拉縣政府與HCA Healthcare達成最終協議,縣府將以一億五千萬美元收購其區域醫療中心 (Regional Medical Center, RMC) 。雙方業已簽訂資產收購協議,根據該協議,RMC計劃被納入聖谷醫療體系 (SCVH) 。此交易須符合一般常規成交條件及獲得監管機構的批准,程序預定完成日期為 4 月 1日,屆時縣府可望接手醫院的營運。
Regional Medical Center front entrance