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County Board of Supervisors Hears Results of Study on Utilization of Diverse Businesses

Data from study to be used to streamline procurement processes and increase engagement with minority-owned, women-owned, and other diverse business enterprises

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. –The results of the 2023 Countywide Disparity Study, which showed significant opportunities to improve procurement processes for diverse businesses, was presented to the County Board of Supervisors on April 16. Using recommendations from MGT of America Consulting, which completed the 2023 study, County staff made several recommendations to the Board. These recommendations included improving data collection, making procurement processes easier to navigate and increasing engagement with small and diverse businesses. The Board directed that a comprehensive workplan return to its Finance and Government Operations Committee in the fall. 

The Disparity Study was conducted to learn if there were barriers for businesses owned by minority, women, LGBT, or disabled veteran individuals to compete for County contracts. It analyzed $2.4 billion of County spending for goods and services acquired between July 1, 2016, and June 30, 2021. The study gathered data by analyzing current procurement technologies, interviewing staff, surveying 280 businesses and performing community outreach. 

“The findings of the Disparity Study unfortunately confirmed what many small, diverse business owners already suspected to be true: the County is not maximizing opportunities to contract with available vendors who represent non-white-male owned businesses. We must develop a clear, actionable plan to re-form not only internal processes but how we engage with community to ensure that small, local businesses are aware of our opportunities,” said Board President Susan Ellenberg. “I look forward to seeing that plan become a reality and ensuring that we hold all departments accountable for implementation. Supporting small, minority-owned businesses is a significant way in which we can build safer communities where more people are thriving.”

The assessment will be used to address inequities and maximize inclusion in contracting processes. The County plans to enhance current procurement technologies to collect vendor demographic data and develop a strategy to improve outreach to municipal and ethnic chambers of commerce and local business advocacy organizations. It will also recommend the creation of a Local and Small Business Enterprise program to serve as a race and gender-neutral mechanism to increase economic inclusion of diverse firms.

“I commend our staff and the consultants for their work in this initial and important process that helps us gather baseline data. We will come back to the Board with specific recommendations and a workplan to address this significant issue,” said County Executive James R. Williams. “The County needs to utilize technology and create processes so that all our businesses have an equitable opportunity to work with the County. The contracts we award should reflect the incredible diversity of our community.” 

Community members can provide written recommendations, ask questions and read more about the study at

About the County of Santa Clara, California 
The County of Santa Clara government serves a diverse, multi-cultural population of 1.9 million residents in Santa Clara County, California, making it more populous than 14 states in the U.S. The County provides essential services to its residents, including public health protection, environmental stewardship, medical services through the County of Santa Clara Health System, child and adult protection services, homelessness prevention and solutions, roads, park services, libraries, emergency response to disasters, protection of minority communities and those under threat, access to a fair criminal justice system, and many other public benefits.

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Contact: Laurel Anderson/ Matthew Rudig, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, 408-299-5119, [email protected]

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